Ultimul comunicat al echipei de organizare condusa de Daniel Bodnariu cu privire la mitingul autorizat privind cauza familiei #Bodnariu din Norvegia:
"Protest la Ambasada Norvegiei din Bucuresti, Romania/Protest at The Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania
Sambata, 19 Decembrie 2015, ora 12:00 - 15:00
Saturday December 19th, 2015 between: 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm
Locatia: Ambasada Norvegiei, Str. Atena nr 18, Sector 1 Bucuresti
Location: Norwegian Embassy, Atena Street, No 18, Sector 1, Bucharest
Familia Bodnariu, cu sprijinul Aliantei Familiilor din Romania (AFR) si Asociatiei Politistilor Crestini din Romania (APC) va organiza un protest autorizat in fata Ambasadei Norvegiei la Bucuresti, Sambata, 19 Decembrie, intre orele 12:00 - 15:00. Toti cei interesati sa sprijine familia Marius si Ruth Bodnariu si recuperarea celor 5 copii confiscati de catre autoritatile norvegiene sunt invitati sa se alature acestui demers autorizat, pasnic.
The Bodnariu family, with the support of the Romanian Family Alliance and the Association of Christian Police in Romania, will hold an authorized protest in front of the
Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest on Saturday December 19, starting at 12:00 noon. All those interested in supporting the family of Marius and Ruth Bodnariu, and the recovery of their 5 children confiscated by the Norwegian “child protection” services (Barnevernet) are invited to join in this peaceful and authorized endeavor.
Scopul protestului/The goal of the protest
Prin acest protest in fata Ambasadei Norvegiei la Bucuresti dorim sa atragem atentia asupra abuzurilor facute de Barnevernet (Protectia Copilului din Norvegia) in cazul familiei Marius si Ruth Bodnariu si in cazul zecilor de familii ai caror copii au fost confiscati de catre aceasi institutie in ultimii ani. Norvegia, Europa si intreaga lume trebuie sa cunoasca dramele pe care Barnevernet le produce in randul familiilor prin abuzurile pe care le face. Autoritatile norvegiene trebuie sa primeasca acest mesaj si sa intervina institutional pentru a stopa metodele folosite de catre aceasta institutie de “protectie a copilului”, metode prin care distrug familia, deopotriva parintii si copiii.
To draw attention to the abuses made by the Barnevernet against Marius & Ruth Bodnariu and many other families whose children were seized by the same institution. Norway, Europe, and the rest of the world must be made aware of the trauma and grief that the Barnevernet inflicts upon families, through its abusive and manipulative tactics. Norwegian authorities should receive this message and intervene to halt the actions and methods used by this so called "child protection" institution to destroy the family, parents as well as children.
In data de 16 Noiembrie 2015 toti cei 5 copii ai familiei Marius si Ruth Bodnariu, cu varste cuprinse intre 3 luni – 9 ani au fost luati in mod abuziv si nejustificat din sanul familiei in urma unui denunt facut de directoarea scolii unde merg cele doua fete mari, denunt care exprima ingrijorari legate de educatia religioasa pe care copiii o primesc in familie, dar un denunt care nu sustine in niciun fel evidenta vreunui abuz fizic sau psihic si care nu indica faptul ca exista un pericol iminet privind siguranta copiilor. In aceste circumstante nu se justifica o actiune radicala si in forta a Barnevernet. Actiunile acestei institutii sfideaza orice mod de gandire rational si uman, denotand doar abuzul de putere pe care il practica atat in cazul familiei Bodnariu, cat si in cazul altor zeci de familii.
On November 16th of this year five children, ages 3 months to 9 years old, have been taken away from their family in an abusive and in an unjustified manner following a denouncement made by the school principal where the older girls are attending, a denouncement with a religious tint that doesn’t support at all any evidence of family abuse or any sort of endangerment in order to explain this institution’s radical and brute action. Its behavior defies any way of rational or human thinking, it only denotes abuse of power, an abuse that this institution is continuing to show and has shown in many similar cases.
De asemenea, acest protest are menirea de a transmite un mesaj de solidaritate cu Marius si Ruth Bodnariu, parinti care si-au educat copiii in spirit moral, crestin, o familie care isi doreste ca cei 5 copii pe care ii iubeste, sa ii fie dati inapoi de catre autoritatile norvegiene cat mai curand.
To convey a message of solidarity with Marius and Ruth Bodnariu: parents who have offered their children a good moral and Christian education, and a Christian family who wants the return of their five children by the Norwegian authorities as soon as possible.
In vederea desfasurarii in cele mai bune conditii a protestului pentru sprijinirea familei Marius si Ruth Bodnariu, va rugam sa tineti cont de urmatoarele aspecte privind conduita participarii la protest. Actiunea noastra va fi una publica, mediatizata prin intermediul presei, a internetului si de aceea va invitam sa ne insusim urmatoarele aspecte:
In order to ensure the effectiveness of this protest, please consider the following aspects regarding the conduct of those willing to participate. Our actions will be publicized through the media, Internet, and social media; therefore, we invite you to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Acces la locatie/Location
* mai jos veti gasi o harta cu locatia unde va avea loc protestul, indicatii de orientare, de transport
* la statia de metrou “Piata Victoriei” (cea indicata pe harta) se vor afla persoane cu banderole de culoare alba ce va vor ghida spre locatia protestului
below you will find a map of the protest site, as well as directions, and available ways of transportation
at the metro station "Victory Square" (as indicated on the map) you will be greeted by people wearing white bands , who will guide you to the protest location
2. Atitudine/Attitude
* vom fi punctuali
* vom manifesta pasnic, dand dovada de educatie si principii crestine
* vom comunica intre noi politicos, fara iesiri zgomotoase
* nu ne vom facem poze, selfie, nu vom intra in polemici cu trecatorii
* vom respecta atat indicatiile organizatorilor, cat si a fortelor de ordine (daca este cazul)
* nu vom scanda lozinci decat la initiativa organizatorilor
* orice initiativa personala va fi comunicata organizatorilor
* vom purta haine potrivite pentru acest demers si in concordanta cu starea vremii
* vom pastra curatenia in jurul nostru
*we will be punctual
* we will be peacefully protesting in accordance with our Christian principles
* all communication between us will be made quietly, and politely
* we will not take pictures, selfies, and we will not enter into conversations with any of those observing the protest
* we will respect and follow the instructions given by the protest organizers and the security forces (if applicable)
* we will display placards provided by the organizers
* any personal initiative will be communicated to the organizers
* we will wear clothes suitable for this approach and suitable for the weather
* we will maintain cleanliness around us
3. Materiale/Materials
* vom avea pancarte cu mesaje de sustinere pe care le vom distribui la fata locului
* in subsolul acestui anunt sunt disponibile materiale, daca doriti sa le descarcati si sa le printati dvs. (va recomandam sa le printati in format A4, A3, color)
* la plecare, materialele/pancartele se vor preda organizatorilor
the organizers will have placards of support for the protest, which will be distributed on the spot
* also, following this announcement (below these instructions) there are materials available for downloading; you can print them yourself (I recommend that you print in A4, A3, color)
* upon your departure from the protest, please return the materials / placards to your organizers
4. Relatia cu presa/ Media Communication
* DOAR persoanele mandatate vor acorda interviuri
* eventuale solicitari de interviuri vor fi directionate catre Daniel Bodnariu
ONLY appointed people will grant interviews.
Please direct ALL media to: Daniel Bodnariu
Ne dorim ca acest protest sa-si atinga scopul, fara a fi perturbat de evenimente neplacute sau de catre persoane care se afla acolo pentru alt motiv. Ne bazam pe ageritatea si intelepciunea dvs. pentru a evita situatii de acest gen.
We would like to ensure that this protest reaches its purpose, without being interrupted or ended by unpleasant events, or due to people that show up for personal reasons, other than for showing support for the Bodnariu family. In order to avoid such situations, we rely on your wisdom and collaboration.
Va multumim pentru ca sunteti alaturi de noi in toate aceste demersuri si in acelasi timp continuam sa ne si rugam ca familia Marius si Ruth Bodnariu sa fie reunita cu cei 5 copii.
Thank you for joining us in this protest, while continuing to pray for the reunion of Marius and Ruth Bodnariu with their 5 little children.
Statia de metrou/Metro station “Piata Victoriei”; Autobuz/Bus: 205, 783, 300, 381""
Sursa: Norway Return the children to Bodnariu Family